
Reducing False Rejects and Product Waste on Metal Detectors

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Learn about various factors that could affect the sensitivity of your metal detector and how to prevent false rejects and product waste.

Some areas of discussion that will be included:

  • Operation Frequency
  • Contaminant type and orientation
  • Product type, position and effect
  • Installation and Environmental conditions
  • Protocols to follow when false rejects or product waste happens

M. Mark Gallagher

Mark Gallagher is the Owner & President of Integrity Leasing and Financing, Inc., a company he started in 1998 that partners with clients to satisfy their equipment financing needs. With over 45 years of experience and a reputation as being a top equipment and finance professional, Mark imparts his knowledge of leasing/financing and sales via presentations to companies large & small, public & private throughout the United States.

In the past, Mark has presented to numerous packaging equipment companies and distributors, as well as countless other large and small companies in various industries. Today, Mark continues his role in assisting companies across the US to obtain the financing they want and need, while also teaching his vendor colleagues and clients the benefits of leasing with a goal of facilitating company growth and customer satisfaction.