
How to Pass Food Safety Inspection with Metal Detection

Тип переговорной


Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Обязательное поле.
Primary Industry
Обязательное поле.
Обязательные поля
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Г-н Antoine Dodier

Antoine is currently the North America Director of Customer Care at Loma Systems and has held many roles within Loma over his 19 years tenure in the company. From Export sales to Country manager, Antoine has directly contributed to the development of Loma’s impact in several different markets around the world notably in Latin America and Canada. Today, Antoine is directly responsible for delivering the best Loma experience to our customers in North America.

With a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and a Master of Science degree from Cranfield University, UK, Antoine continuously provides a wealth of product and industry knowledge to our customers to better advise them in their commitment to food safety excellence.